
服務(wù)熱線:17764834608 / 023-67813906


瀏覽次數(shù):6077   更新時間:2018-08-10

Activator Replacement Tips

1 pack of replacement tips for Activator I, II, and IV.

These sturdy plastic tips were specifically designed for use on ACTIVATORS I, II, and IV, only. Each Activator Tip can be used between 500-600 times (depending on pressure) before replacing. They arrive in a pack of 1 tips per package, for immediate use.

Shipping costs are per box shipped, multiple packages of tips can be shipped in each box. Buying more than 1 package of tips at a time can save you money in the long run!

Category: Chiropractor Accessories Tags: Activator I, Activator II, Activator IV

適用于美國整脊槍Activator I, Activator II, Activator IV

Activator V Replacement Tips

These sturdy plastic tips were specifically designed for the ACTIVATOR V, only. Each Activator Tip can be used between 500-600 times (depending on speed pressure) before replacing. They arrive in a pack of 1 tips per package, for immediate use.

Shipping costs are per box shipped, multiple packages of tips can be shipped in each box. Buying more than 1 package of tips at a time can save you money in the long run!

Category: Chiropractor Accessories Tag: Activator V

適用于美國Activator V整脊槍

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